Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Just voted at the Camp School Precinct.  The school district did a nice job renovating the meeting room.  It was lovely to see JB VanSlyke's photo on the wall; a great reminder of his wonderful public service as the school board attorney.  It almost seems a different world when I first met JB.  I ran into my friend Don Hinton and my former client Gregor Kay at the voting station.  I was the 37th voter today at Camp, at 8:05 am.  This is going to be a huge election.

Listening to Delbert Hosemann on Paul Gallo's show right now, describing how the write-in votes will be counted.  I had a painless experience writing my name in; the touch-pad is well-tuned.  I just received a call from a friend of mine asking me precisely where and how to write-in my name.  I expect to receive many such calls.  If you're in Forrest, Perry, Lamar, Marion, or Pearl River Counties, look for James H.C. Thomas, Jr., on the ballot, and select the write-in blank below his name.  Type my name (or as close to it as you can manage), and you will be rewarded hopefully by my election to the judiciary, God willing.

Thanks to all the voters I've met this election.  God bless each of us in the exercise of our sovereign franchise.

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